Starting Over

Well, well,

Here I am again (again).  My last blog entry was in 2016 (, and from that last entry, I'm glad I took a hiatus.

I had reached a point where I had said THE THING I needed to say.  I write best when I am simply working to give form to something that has fixed in my mind as needing to get out.  In my case such a thing is not a collection of things, but a view on creation that has settled in, and has held up through time, time and again.

It took 5 years to work through that last THING.  What do I have to say now?  Well, that will be the task going forward, to SAY IT.  If I am to give it a few tags, in advance, these work well enough:
Simple, Solid, Full, Jesus, Life, Deep, Plus
The title of this blog, I hope, will unfold through the entries to come.  The Second is a simple word, but full of meaning in many dimensions, angles, and settings.

May the Lord of Life bless the words I write, and may His message come through.  For I am but a conduit, if I am fully myself.  The message comes first, and I second.


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